Santa Clara Valley Medical Center has served as a regional pediatric center for more than 50 years, with particular specialization in pediatric trauma, burn, and rehabilitation. With more than 80 board certified specialists in general pediatrics, neonatology, and the pediatric subspecialties, the Pediatrics Department provides quality care in nearly every pediatric discipline. Our staff is dedicated to providing the best possible care for all children.
The fifth floor of the main hospital is dedicated to Inpatient Pediatrics and includes a 30-bed General Pediatric Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), and Procedural Sedation Services. VMC's PICU is the only one in San Jose accredited by the California Children's Services unit of the California Department of Public Health. VMC has the only Pediatric Trauma Center in San Jose, and our Inpatient Pediatric Rehabilitation Program is regarded as one of the very best in the United States. All patients are cared for by a multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, therapists, child life specialists, social workers, and other. Attending physicians staff the inpatient pediatric units 24 hours a day.