Older Adults Fall Prevention Program
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one out of four older adults people falls each year. Serious injuries, such as broken bones or head injuries, can result after a fall. These injuries can make it hard for older adults to walk and do everyday activities on their own. Also, falling once doubles a person chance of falling again.
The good news is that falls are not just a normal part of getting older. Falls are preventable and there are simple steps you can take to stay independent longer.
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s Trauma Services Department offer FREE fall prevention presentations and programs to community. Check out below resources and programs for more information.

Program Offered
A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls
A Matter of Balance is an evidence-based program designed to teach practical coping strategies and exercises to reduce or stop the fear of falling, improve activity levels, and reduce fall rates among community-dwelling older adults. The program includes 8 two-hour classes for in-person or 9 two-hour classes for virtual settings. 10 – 12 participants will meet once or twice per week at local senior centers/churches or online. Program dates and sites vary.
Bingocize is an evidence-based program that combines a bingo-like game with exercise and health education to improve and/or maintain older adults, health knowledge on fall reduction, and social engagement. 8 to 20 participants will meet 1 hour twice per week for 10 weeks in a variety of setting, including community senior centers, churches, or online. Program dates and sites vary.
To register or for more information, please contact:
Hongngoc Nguyen
[email protected]
(408) 885-3054
For more information on fall prevention, visit:
Falls Prevention for Older Adults (ncoa.org)
Silicon Valley Healthy Aging Partnership (svhap.org)
STEADI - Older Adult Fall Prevention | CDC
Fall risk self-assessment: Stay Independent - English | Español
Postural Hypotension What it is & How to Manage it (cdc.gov)
Fact Sheet Medications Linked To Falls (cdc.gov)