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Dr. Kazuko Shem, Recipient of Prestigious 2022 James D. Thompson Humanitarian Award from Stanford Residency Program

Dr. Shem Award 2022

Congratulations to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC)'s Dr. Kazuko Shem, recipient of the prestigious 2022 James D. Thompson Humanitarian Award presented by the Stanford Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) residents. The award honors the attending physician who the residents feel best exemplifies compassion, humility, and advocacy.

Dr. Shem is the Chief of the PM&R Clinic at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Her research, for which she has received multiple grants, focuses on telemedicine, community reintegration and quality of life after SCI and electrodiagnostic medicine as it applies to neurological conditions.

SCVMC's Drs. Thao Duong, Priya Varma, James Crew, and Roberta Wang received the James D. Thompson Humanitarian award in 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018, respectively.