Continuing Medical Education Program
Welcome to Continuing Medical Education at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
CME Mission Statement
It is the mission of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC) to provide quality medical education to practicing physicians. The mission of the Continuing Medical Education Committee is provided in the Medical Staff Bylaws, Article XII.
The purpose of Continuing Medical Education (CME) is to continually improve the quality of health care practice in our community by providing lifelong learning opportunities for practicing physicians. CME programs are designed to maintain and increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and to improve the care of patients.
The content of CME program includes a broad range of primary care, specialty and subspecialty topics that are determined through a comprehensive needs assessment process. The content area will be appropriate to the target audience's current or potential scope of professional activities. CME activities will be planned in the context of desirable physician attributes and core competencies.
Who Should Participate in the CME Program?
- Physicians from the Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System's affiliated hospitals
- Local community physicians
- Health care professionals who are part of a multidisciplinary team
Type of Activities
Educational activities range from regularly scheduled activities usually in form of one-hour grand rounds to multi-day symposia. The educational methodologies considered include interactive workshops, skills stations, case presentations, didactic lectures, panel discussions, and question and answer sessions. Education activities are primarily conducted on SCVMC grounds. Alternative venues are used only when a larger conference space is needed.
Results of the Program
After participating in the activity, physician learners will demonstrate changes in competence and/or improvement in performance-in-practice. The outcome assessments will determine if knowledge was gained and physicians implemented new behaviors in their practice
Introduction to the SCVMC Continued Medical Education
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education (CME) for physicians. In 2010, SCVMC CME program has been awarded a full four-year accreditation by the ACCME. The CME program offers lifelong learning opportunities for physicians and allied health care professionals to enhance their performance in practice through a comprehensive selection of CME activities. SCVMC offers 30-40 activities of over 600 CME credits each year in various medical specialties serving over 10,000 annual participants. In 2012, we sponsored various national and international symposia including the 2013 Santa Clara Valley Brain Injury Conference and the 2012 National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems Fellowship Leadership Program. SCVMC supports CME in compliance with ACCME Standards for Commercial Support to ensure that its CME activities are independent, free of commercial bias.
SCVMC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Contact Information
SCVMC, Medical Staff Office
Paula Faria-Gomez
Coordinator, Office of Continuing Medical Education
Email: [email protected]
Christina Anderson, MD
Chair, Continuing Medical Education Committee
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
751 S. Bascom Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128