For Patients
Contact Information
Anticoagulation Clinic – Valley Specialty Center
751 South Bascom Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Your Rights
- Receive care, no matter what your age, race, ethnicity, culture, color, national origin, language, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, appearance, socio-economic status, physical or mental disability, religion, or diagnosis.
- Have the right to designate a support person of your choosing, This support person may be, but it is not limited to a spouse, a domestic partner (including a same-sex domestic partner), a family member, or a friend.
- Know about your medicine in terms that you understand.
- Receive information in a manner that you understand. • Provide informed consent for any images or recordings of yourself.
- Know the members of the specialty pharmacy team.
- Participate in the decisions concerning your medicines.
- Not be involved with research without your consent.
- Receive care free from mental, physical, sexual, or verbal abuse. Have the right to request protective and advocacy services.
- Have your religious beliefs respected.
- Have your choices about end-of-life decisions respected.ave your privacy respected.
- Be treated politely and with consideration.
- Have your comments or complaints reviewed by the organization.
Your Responsibilities
- Remain under physician's care while receiving services.
- Provide your health care providers with a complete & accurate health history.
- Accept the consequences for any refusal or treatment or choice of non-compliance.
- Participate in your plan of care and report any changes in your health status.
- Treat your health care provider with respect and consideration.
If you have questions are concerns regarding your rights, please contact:
Customer Service Department
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
751 South Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
The Joint Commission gives patients, their families, and caregivers an opportunity to share concerns regarding safety and quality of care. If you feel that a concern has not been adequately responded to by Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, contacting The Joint Commission via an online form, e-mail, fax, and mail is an option. See contact details below:
- Online:
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Fax: (630) 792-5636
- Mail: Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Blvd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is warfarin?
A. Warfarin is a blood thinning medicine. It is used to lower the chance of blood clots in your body. Blood clots can cause a stroke or heart attack. They can also cause blood clots in the legs or lungs. Warfarin is used to help prevent and treat blood clots:
- In the legs and lungs;
- In a heart condition called “atrial fibrillation”– this is a rapid, irregular heart beat;
- In you have had a heart valve replacement.
Q. Dietary Supplements and Non-Prescription Medications:
A. Dietary supplements, herbal medicines, and non-prescription (or over-the-counter) medicines may cause problems with your blood thinner. Please talk to a pharmacist if you are taking or thinking about taking any of these items. Our pharmacist will be happy to talk to you about them.
Q. Why do I need blood tests?
A. The blood tests help your doctor find the right dose of warfarin for you. The blood test is called a prothrombin time test, or protime (PT) for short, and is reported as International Normalized Ratio (INR). It only takes a small amount of your blood to find out your PT/INR. PT/INRs are very important because they show how fast your blood is clotting and whether your dose of warfarin should change.
Q. Could my dose change?
A. Yes. Make sure you take the right dose (amount of warfarin) on the right day, as your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist directed. Remember to use the diary.
Q. When will I have to take a PT/INR test?
A. When you start taking warfarin, you may have PT/INR tests more often. This will help us give you the dose of warfarin that is right for you. PT/INR tests will be needed every so often during your therapy to help keep your PT/INR in the best range for you. It is important to take the PT/INR test on time.
Information on the newer agents is posted for academic purposes only. It is not a substitute for the medical advice or judgment of a pharmacist or clinician. Please consult your pharmacist or provider if you have questions about your medications.
As consideration for use of the information provided on anticoagulation services, all users will: (1) agree to assume all risks of using the information and voluntarily release, waive, discharge and relinquish any and all claims, actions or causes of action resulting from that use, and (2) covenant not to file a claim against or sue Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC) or the County of Santa Clara (County), or their officers, employees, directors, agents and/or assigns, on account of any harm resulting from use of the information, whether foreseeable or not foreseeable, known or unknown, and whether or not such harm is caused in whole or in part from the negligence or other acts or omissions of SCVMC or the County, or their officers, employees, directors, agents and/or assigns.