Testimonials from our Volunteers
"[My] drive to come spend four hours in a hospital every week is to inspire others to put a hand out for their neighbors. Serving the underprivileged community of San Jose makes me feel like a saint, but really I owe it to the patients for driving my interest in medicine. I owe it to the patients for teaching me patience, teaching me to feel comfortable around those in less fortunate situations, and to accommodate such people to the best of my ability." — Marcus Carrillo, Information Desk Lead Volunteer
"Going the extra mile for our patients is my goal. Every time that I volunteer, I learn something new and am enriched by my personal interactions with patients and the many hard working staff and other volunteers." — Norma Miron-Conk, Information Desk Volunteer
"The demographic is so varied here. You get to see people from all walks of life. It’s a good way to get exposed to the hospital. It’s nice to see how the nurses care for the patients. It’s interesting to see how they adapt to the different emotions the patients have depending on their situation because the nurses get them when many of them are at their worst."" — Albert Liu, Information Desk Lead Volunteer
"It’s really chill here and you actually get to do cool stuff." — Rachel Park, Information Desk Volunteer
"It doesn’t feel like it is a job or obligation, I actually want to be here. I look forward to my weekly shift." — Marisa Lopes, Information Desk Lead Volunteer
"Helping them proves to be the most impactful in my life and theirs. The fact that it is a level 1 trauma center shows the immense capabilities of the medical staff and coordination of those in administrative positions. This allows VMC to receive high risk patients who might otherwise not survive at another trauma center. I love knowing that I am in a hospital that holds these high standards for their staff and patients, it allows me to learn skills that I know will be useful in my future nursing career." — Sierrah Hoover, Information Desk Lead Volunteer