Injury Prevention
The Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Level 1 Trauma Center is one of the busiest trauma centers in Santa Clara County. Our patients have suffered critical injuries resulting from serious falls, motor vehicle crashes, bicycle crashes, and violent encounters.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), injuries and violence are the number one cause of death for individuals ages 1-44 in the United States. While some injuries are truly accidents and cannot be prevented, many injuries can be prevented. Our Injury Prevention Programs help reduce unintentional injuries among adults and children and promote safe behaviors in our community.
A Hospital-based Violence Intervention Program
Trauma to Triumph Program
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s Trauma to Triumph Program works with the City of San Jose Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services to provide violence intervention services to patients who have received medical treatment for their injuries at the hospital.
Prevention Information
Child Safety and Drowning Prevention
As the weather warms up and more children are in and around water, it is important that adults do all that they can to reduce fatal and nonfatal drownings. Knowing how to prevent leading causes of child injury, like drowning, is a step towards keeping our children safe and secure.
Prevent Your Child from Falling Out of a Window
Falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries for all children ages 0 to 19. Every day, about 8,000 children are treated in U.S. emergency departments for fall-related injuries.
Older Adults Fall Prevention Program
Have you fallen in the past year or have a fear of falling?
Keeping your Kids Safe, In and Around Cars
Every week in the U.S. at least 50 children are backed over in driveways and parking lots. Every week at least two of these children die.
Use Your Head, Wear a Helmet
Your helmet cannot protect what it does not cover. If your helmet does not fit snugly on your head, or if it tips back, it can slide or fall off in a crash and you are twice as likely to suffer a serious head injury.
Underage Drinking and Driving
At least 50 children are backed over by vehicles every week. 48 are treated in hospital emergency rooms. 2 die.
Trauma Counseling Services
Early Intervention Clinic
The Early Intervention Clinic provides up to 20 free sessions to individuals who have experienced a trauma within the last two years and meet other eligibility criteria.