Individualized Learning Pathways

In order to allow residents a greater flexibility with individualizing their educational goals, pursue career-specific paths and gain a greater exposure to areas of interest, the Department of Medicine has created a novel, 2-year curriculum called the Individualized Learning Pathway (ILP). Towards the end of internship, each intern will be offered the option to choose one of five “pathways”: Ambulatory Medicine, Hospital-based Medicine, Social/Global Medicine, Research Medicine or the Traditional Categorical Medicine pathway. The objective is to aid each resident in identifying self-directed learning goals, expose residents to specific skill sets for potential career growth and development, and foster research and mentorship with core faculty. The pathways also link to dedicated curricular time during the 4+2 block schedule.

Ambulatory Pathway

Residents enrolling in this pathway will complete block rotations focusing on outpatient and primary care practice redesign, including the chronic care and the medical home models. In addition to continuity clinic, residents will participate in a uniquely designed chronic care clinic working with psychologists to help patients facilitate behavioral change. Through guided mentorship, residents will develop a quality improvement project. Additionally, residents have the opportunity to rotate through a variety of outpatient electives, including psychiatry, musculoskeletal medicine, gynecology and dermatology.

Hospital Medicine Pathway

The pathway prepares residents for the evolving roles of a hospitalist through small group sessions and clinical electives. Topics covered include teaching evidence-based medicine, developing leadership skills, radiology, EKGs, medical administration and the business of medicine. Residents also have the flexibility to choose clinical electives such as palliative care, neurology, podiatry and psychiatry consult services and work in our post-hospital discharge clinic to supplement their curriculum. There is involvement on an institutional level by serving on committees and developing quality improvement projects related to patient safety, utilization management or systems of care.

Social and Global Medicine Pathway

Residents enrolling in this pathway will complete block rotations devoted to the care of patients in vulnerable populations: homeless persons, inmates, migrant farm workers, adolescents, and substance-dependent patients. The resident will participate in multi-disciplinary teams focusing on patient-centered approaches to health care. Additionally, the resident will have opportunities to rotate through behavioral medicine, HIV clinic, addiction treatment groups, custody health and refugee clinic rotations. Lastly, residents will have the opportunity to participate in community outreach, physician advocacy, or research aimed at addressing health care disparities.

Research Pathway

Residents in this pathway will receive a guided experience in clinical research, including how to formulate a research question, design a study, analyze the results, and present or publish their findings. Residents will have the opportunity to present their research either at national meetings or via manuscript submission. This pathway is aimed at fostering scholarship for residents interested in academic medicine, research, or subspecialization by capitalizing on robust mentorship. Our affiliation with Stanford and the close network between our faculties will afford residents the opportunity to gain greater clinical experience and research in pursuit of their individualized goals.