Fast, Free, and No-Fuss Prescription Delivery!


Outpatient Pharmacy Services is part of the SCVH Hospital and Clinic System with direct access to your healthcare team and your medical record to ensure coordinated, high-quality medical care for all residents of Santa Clara County regardless of their ability to pay.  We have 11 clinic pharmacies to serve patients from VMC clinics and outside providers.  Our pharmacies fill over 1.3 million prescriptions a year for our community. Wait time averages less than 30 minutes across all our pharmacy locations.​

How to Refill Your Prescription

You can use any of the SCVH pharmacies to refill your medications. You can use the simple and convenient Automated Telephone Refill Line or myHealth Online to order your refills and check the status of your refill.


  1. Dial the 24 Hour Refill Line: (408) 977-3500
  2. Press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish, 3 for Vietnamese, 4 for Chinese 3.Press 1 to refill your prescription; Press 2 to check the status of your refill
  3. Enter your Prescription Number and press #
  4. Press 1 to confirm the Prescription Number
  5. Press 1 to confirm your last name
  6. Enter your 8 digit Date of Birth. For example, enter “January 3rd 1977” as 01031977.
  7. Press 1 to confirm your Date of Birth
  8. Press 1 to pick up your prescription. Press 2 to have your prescription mailed.
  9. Wait to hear information about your refill request including pick up locations, date and time, and mailing address.
  10. Press 2 to submit the final request.

Allow two business days for the pharmacy to fill your prescription. Mail order prescription should arrive within 7 business days.


You can get most of your medications refilled without coming to the pharmacy. Select our mail order option when refilling and make sure your mailing address and phone number are correct. If it is a new prescription, you can ask your SCVH pharmacy to have it mailed to you.

Some medications cannot be mailed such as:

  • Drugs known as Class II controlled substances
  • Medicines with short expiration dates
  • Items that are bulky

Please contact your SCVH pharmacy if you have a question about whether your prescription can be mailed.


For another person to be able to pick up your prescription, please provide the following:

  • The person picking up your prescription should have your medical record number OR other information to verify your identity
  • To protect your health information, we ask that you provide a note stating the person’s name you are allowing to pick up your medication. For example:

    “I, your name, allow name of designated person, to pick up my medications.”